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I’m Relocating And Need To Sell My House In Shreveport

selling my Shreveport house relocation

Relocating for a new job, lifestyle change, or family reasons can be an exciting, albeit daunting, adventure. It often means starting a new chapter in life, but it also presents the complex challenge of having to decide what to do with your current home. If you’re relocating and need to sell your house, the pressure to handle both the move and the sale efficiently can feel overwhelming. Successfully navigating this transition requires a clear plan and a well-organized approach to tackle what often seems like an insurmountable task.

Decide How You Want to Sell

When you’re relocating and need to sell your house, the way you choose to sell can significantly impact everything from your financial returns to your stress levels. Here are the three main avenues you might consider: selling with a realtor, selling to a cash buyer, or going the For Sale By Owner (FSBO) route. Each has its advantages and challenges, and like choosing between coffee, tea, or a smoothie, the best choice depends on your taste—or in this case, your situation.

Selling with a Realtor

For many, a realtor is the go-to choice when relocating and needing to sell a house. Realtors bring a mix of market knowledge, negotiation skills, and sales expertise that can be invaluable, especially if your moving truck is already packed and your stress is packed even tighter.


  • Expert Guidance: Realtors know the ropes. They can navigate the choppy waters of home sales with the finesse of a seasoned captain. They handle listings, showings, negotiations, and paperwork, so you don’t have to.
  • Market Access: Realtors have access to extensive networks and platforms that can get your home seen by thousands of potential buyers, which is way better than your social media blast to friends who aren’t looking to buy.
  • Higher Offers: Thanks to their negotiation skills, realtors can often secure higher selling prices, which can be crucial when you’re hoping the sale funds your next abode.


  • Costs: Realtors don’t work for applause; they work for commission, typically around 5-6% of the sale price. This can eat into your profits like a hungry caterpillar in a salad bar.
  • Less Control: Working with a realtor means you’re not the only cook in the kitchen. You’ll need to compromise on certain things, like showing times and negotiation tactics.

Selling to a Cash Buyer

If speed is your need, selling to a cash buyer can be akin to hitting the express lane during rush hour traffic. It’s fast, efficient, and reduces the hassle, especially appealing when you’re relocating and need to sell your house quickly.


  • Speed: Cash sales can often close within a week or two, which is a blink of an eye in real estate time. This can be a lifesaver if you’re already eyeballing a new place in another city.
  • Simplicity: No staging, no multiple showings, no waiting for buyer financing approvals. It’s as straightforward as a spaghetti western shootout—minus the drama.
  • Certainty: Cash deals are less likely to fall through. There’s no agonizing wait to see if the buyer’s financing will get approved, which means fewer sleepless nights for you.


  • Lower Offers: The price of speed and convenience is that cash buyers typically offer less than the market value, aiming for a quick turnaround. It’s a trade-off—quick cash for potentially less cash.

Selling by Yourself (FSBO)

For the brave souls who like to steer their own ship, FSBO might be appealing. This is when you’re relocating and need to sell your house but decide to ditch the middleman. It’s for those who like to keep their hands on the wheel and their money in their pockets.


  • Cost Savings: No realtor fees here. Every penny from the sale (minus marketing and legal costs) goes directly into your pocket, which can be quite satisfying.
  • Complete Control: You decide on the listing price, the marketing strategy, and whom you sell to. It’s all your show, all the time.


  • Huge Time Investment: Selling a house is time-consuming and complex. If you’re not familiar with real estate laws and negotiations, you could find yourself outmaneuvered or overwhelmed.
  • Stress and Complexity: Managing the sale of a house while juggling a relocation can multiply your stress. It’s like spinning plates while riding a unicycle—possible, but not necessarily advisable.

Choosing the Best Option

When you’re relocating and need to sell your house, choosing the right method to sell your home depends largely on your individual circumstances, financial situation, and how much time and effort you’re willing to invest. Consider the following to help make your decision:

  • How quickly do you need to sell?
  • How much effort can you invest in the selling process?
  • Are you comfortable handling negotiations and legal matters on your own?
  • What is your financial flexibility regarding the selling price?

Navigating the sale of your home while planning a relocation can feel like trying to assemble furniture without instructions—frustrating, time-consuming, and often bewildering. By carefully weighing the pros and cons of each selling method, you can choose the path that aligns best with your needs, ensuring a smoother transition to your next adventure.

Organize, Pack, and Plan Logistics Around Moving

If you thought deciding to sell was the hard part, welcome to the sequel—moving out. For those who are relocating and need to sell their house, organizing your life into boxes, planning logistics, and saying goodbye to familiar walls can be like orchestrating a ballet: everything must be in sync, but you’re more likely to step on a few toes along the way. Let’s break down how to tackle this monumental task without losing your mind—or your favorite coffee mug.

Decluttering: The Purge Before the Pack

Before you can even think about packing, you need to declutter. This is not just a suggestion but a plea from the moving gods. Decluttering is the process of deciding what makes the cut to your new home, what gets sold at a yard sale, donated to charity, or tragically, sent to the great dumpster in the sky.

  • Sort Ruthlessly: Go through each room and categorize items into ‘keep’, ‘sell’, ‘donate’, and ‘throw away’. Be ruthless. If it hasn’t seen the light of day since the last presidential election, it’s probably not worth the moving truck space.
  • Sell Items: Platforms like eBay, Craigslist, or local Facebook selling groups can be great to offload valuable but unnecessary items. This can also pad your moving budget.
  • Donate: Giving items to charity not only clears out space but feels good too. Just make sure what you donate is in good condition—charity shops aren’t the final resting place for that half-broken lamp.

Packing: Not Just Throwing Things in Boxes

Packing, when done wrong, can feel like playing a sad game of Tetris, where nothing fits and everything breaks. But with the right approach, it can be a systematic and satisfying endeavor (almost).

  • Quality Materials: Invest in good quality moving boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers. Skimping on materials can lead to the dreaded box-bottom-fall-out scenario—nobody needs that.
  • Systematic Packing: Start packing non-essential items weeks before the move. Label boxes clearly with their contents and intended room in the new house. It’s also helpful to color-code rooms using stickers or colored markers.
  • Essentials Box: Pack an essentials box for the first night in your new home. Include toiletries, a change of clothes, medications, chargers, and perhaps most importantly, coffee supplies for the morning.

Planning the Move: The Logistics Ballet

Once you’re packed, you need to choreograph the actual move. This involves more than just picking a date and hoping for the best. For those relocating and needing to sell their house, syncing the sale and move-out dates is crucial.

  • Hire Movers: Research and hire reputable movers. Get multiple quotes, check reviews, and confirm they are licensed and insured. If your budget is tight, consider a hybrid move—where you pack, and they drive.
  • Utilities and Address Changes: Schedule the disconnection of your current utilities one day after you move out and the connection of utilities at your new place one day before you move in. Don’t forget to file a change of address with the post office and update your address with banks, credit card companies, and subscriptions.
  • Goodbye Gathering: Host a small farewell gathering. It’s a chance to say goodbye to your neighbors and friends and perhaps pass on some local wisdom to the new owner, like which day is trash pick-up and the best pizza delivery in town.

Syncing Your Sale and Move

When relocating and needing to sell your house, timing is everything. The closing day for your house sale and your moving day should ideally be aligned to avoid paying for two properties or, worse, having nowhere to sleep. Communicate openly with your realtor and your buyer to manage expectations and ensure deadlines are met. Keep a backup plan ready in case of delays, like temporary housing or storage solutions.

Point 3: Understanding Your Timeline

When you’re relocating and need to sell your house, grasping your timeline isn’t just about marking dates on a calendar—it’s about choreographing a complex dance between multiple moving parts. Whether you’re tiptoeing or tap-dancing through this process, understanding and managing your timeline effectively is crucial. Let’s dive into how to synchronize the myriad of tasks and deadlines to ensure your relocation and house sale go as smoothly as a well-rehearsed Broadway show.

The Basics of Time Management

For those relocating and needing to sell their house, time isn’t just a concept—it’s currency. Here’s how to start managing your time like a Wall Street broker handles stocks:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Determine what needs to be done by when. This includes listing your house, making necessary repairs, showing the property, packing up, and the big move. Use a digital calendar or a good old-fashioned planner to keep track of these key milestones.
  • Understand the Selling Process: The length of time it takes to sell a home can vary widely depending on the market conditions, the selling method you choose, and how Godzilla-like the buyer’s mortgage lender decides to be at any given time. Get a clear understanding from your realtor (if using one) about how long homes are taking to sell in your area. This will help you gauge when to list your home relative to your moving date.

Aligning Sale and Move

Juggling the sale of your current home with the purchase or rental of a new one can feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. Here’s how to keep the colors aligned:

  • Contingency Plans: Always have a Plan B. If you’re relocating and need to sell your house but the sale might not close before your move, consider short-term rental options. It’s not ideal, but neither is sleeping in your car with a trunk full of houseplants.
  • Overlap Considerations: Ideally, aim for a slight overlap between selling your home and moving into your new place. A week or two can provide a cushion to handle unexpected delays without catapulting you into homelessness.

Timing Your Market

Understanding the best time to sell in your specific market is crucial when you’re relocating and need to sell your house. Not every market follows the traditional wisdom that spring and summer are the best times to sell:

  • Seasonal Fluctuations: In many regions, the housing market peaks in spring and slows in winter. However, your local market might be an exception. Consult with a local real estate expert to pinpoint the optimal time to list your home.
  • Economic Factors: Keep an eye on interest rates and economic news. A spike in interest rates could cool buyer demand, lengthening the time it takes to sell your home.

Communication Is Key

When you’re caught in the whirlwind of relocating and need to sell your house, maintaining open lines of communication with all parties involved can prevent a circus-like atmosphere. Here’s who you need to keep in the loop:

  • Your Realtor: Regular check-ins will keep you updated on the selling process and any potential buyer feedback or offers.
  • Your Buyer: Once you have an offer, keep in touch with the buyer to ensure that their mortgage process is proceeding smoothly and to manage any last-minute hiccups.
  • Your Movers: Confirm dates and details several times to avoid any moving day surprises. Remember, assuming the movers remember is the mother of all mix-ups.

Flexibility Saves the Day

If there’s one thing you can expect when you’re relocating and need to sell your house, it’s the unexpected. Here’s how to stay flexible:

  • Expect Delays: Things might not go according to plan. Whether it’s a buyer who drags their feet, a moving company that double books, or a sudden paperwork snafu, be ready to adjust on the fly.
  • Stay Calm and Carry On: Keep your cool. Stressing over every detail won’t speed things up. Instead, focus on what you can control and let professionals handle their jobs.

Who Is Right Time Home Offers And How Can We Help You If You’re Relocating And Need To Sell In Shreveport?

We’re investors. We support our families and beautify neighborhoods by buying houses from Shreveport home owners who need to sell fast for one reason or another.

The types of sellers who tend to work with us include people who…

  • Need to sell fast (we can close in as little as 7 days if you need us to)
  • Don’t want to hassle with listing a property with an agent
  • Don’t want to pay real estate agent fees
  • Can’t sell their house for one reason or another (we buy houses in as-is condition)
  • … or a variety of other reasons

But we’re passionate people, and we believe in the Shreveport community.

We’re honest and straightforward.

We’ll quote you a fair price, and we can close fast with cash.

If you’re prepared to wait and can hire professionals to help, you can manage the sale of your property from a distance. In certain circumstances that risk can pay off.

We’re happy to help you find answers to your toughest questions about your Shreveport real estate, so please feel free to call us at (318)217-2167 and chat with us anytime.

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